Everything about cutting and breakfast boards

Michael kocht Spaghetti al Limone

Spaghetti Al Limone. The recipe and the tricks ...

The idea of ​​combining spaghetti with summery lemon flavors is brilliant. The recipe is apparently very simple. Unfortunately, sometimes it goes wrong. As with all simple things in life, it's...

Spaghetti Al Limone. The recipe and the tricks ...

The idea of ​​combining spaghetti with summery lemon flavors is brilliant. The recipe is apparently very simple. Unfortunately, sometimes it goes wrong. As with all simple things in life, it's...

Msser lieben Holz Schneidebretter

Why do knives love wooden cutting boards?

If you love your knives, wooden cutting boards are a must. The fine teak wood not only looks beautiful thanks to its grain, but it also puts minimal strain on...

Why do knives love wooden cutting boards?

If you love your knives, wooden cutting boards are a must. The fine teak wood not only looks beautiful thanks to its grain, but it also puts minimal strain on...

Sind Holz Schneidebretter unhygienisch?

Are wooden cutting boards unhygienic?

Wooden cutting boards are just as hygienic as any other kitchenware. They are clearly superior to plastic cutting boards in particular.

Are wooden cutting boards unhygienic?

Wooden cutting boards are just as hygienic as any other kitchenware. They are clearly superior to plastic cutting boards in particular.

Welche Schneidebretter sind die Besten?

Which cutting boards are the best?

Cutting boards are available in glass, marble, wood or plastic. Wooden boards are the most commonly used in private kitchens. They look classy and offer many advantages.

Which cutting boards are the best?

Cutting boards are available in glass, marble, wood or plastic. Wooden boards are the most commonly used in private kitchens. They look classy and offer many advantages.